[63][2], A special position was occupied by the Judicate of Arborea, the last Sardinian kingdom to fall to foreign powers, in which a transitional dialect was spoken, that of Middle Sardinian. 2022 Lawless French. Il plurilinguismo scolastico nelle comunit di minoranza della Repubblica Italiana", "Il sardo un dialetto. 22 Queries in 0.052 seconds. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YThi.net. Didon dna, dit-on, du dos dodu dun dindon. I've been saying it like "Sech-ay Veet-ay" for years, and that's probably wrong. La sole a sal son lit mais la mer a lav le lit que la sole a sal et la sole rissole dans la casserole. [96] As a result of this protracted and prolonged process of Romanisation, the modern Sardinian language is today classified as Romance or neo-Latin, with some phonetic features resembling Old Latin. Latte te, trou au toit. Loporcaro, Michele. The University of Cagliari passed a resolution demanding from regional and state authorities the recognition of the Sardinians as an ethnic and linguistic minority and of Sardinian as their national language., S. Sardinian was also one of the few official languages, along with Spanish, Catalan and Portuguese, whose knowledge was required to be an officer in the Spanish tercios. [note 10][255] Since Sardinia was, in the words of Di Vesme, not Spanish, but neither Italian: it is and has been for centuries just Sardinian,[256] it was necessary, at the turn of the circumstances that inflamed it with ambition, desire and love of all things Italian,[256] to promote these tendencies even more in order to profit from them in the common interest,[256] for which it proved almost necessary[257] to spread the Italian language in Sardinia presently so little known in the interior[256] with a view to better enable the Perfect Fusion: Sardinia will be Piedmont, it will be Italy; it will receive and give us lustre, wealth and power!. The people appointed for the task were Eduardo Blasco Ferrer, Roberto Bolognesi, Diego Salvatore Corraine, Ignazio Delogu, Antonietta Dettori, Giulio Paulis, Massimo Pittau, Tonino Rubattu, Leonardo Sole, Heinz Jrgen Wolf, and Matteo Porru acting as the Committee's secretary. [220][221][222][note 8] In fact, the measure in question prohibited, among other things, the unreserved use of the Castilian idiom in writing and speaking, which, after forty years of Italian rule, was still so deeply rooted in the hearts of the Sardinian teachers. [239] The first volume of comparative Sardinian dialectology was produced in 1786 by the Catalan Jesuit Andres Febres, known in Italy and Sardinia by the pseudonym of Bonifacio d'Olmi, who returned from Lima where he had first published a book of Mapuche grammar in 1764. but deliver us from evil. Donanos oe su pane nostru de nnia die, They have all retained the classical Latin pronunciation of the stop velars (kena versus cena, "supper"),[507] the front middle vowels (compare Campidanese iotacism, probably from Byzantine Greek)[508] and assimilation of close-mid vowels (cane versus cani, "dog" and gattos versus gattus, "cats"). [488] As of now, Sardinian seems to be viewed by the islanders as an instrument for the reappropriation of their past, rather than for its use as a means of communication for the present and future.[489]. [387] Today, most people who use Sardinian as part of day-to-day life reside mainly in the sparsely populated areas in the countryside, like the mountainous region of Barbagia. [232][233][225][2] For the first time, in fact, even the wealthy and most powerful families of rural Sardinia, the printzipales, started to perceive Sardinian as a handicap. [121], Although the surviving texts come from such disparate areas as the north and the south of the island, Sardinian then presented itself in a rather homogeneous form:[122] even though the orthographic differences between Logudorese and Campidanese Sardinian were beginning to appear, Wagner found in this period "the original unity of the Sardinian language". "L'Ue richiama l'Italia: non ha ancora firmato la Carta di tutela Cronaca Messaggero Veneto", "Lingue di minoranza e scuola. namely Latins, Pisans, Genoese, Spanish, and Africans), Arquer pointed to there being many Sardinian words with apparently no traceable origin and reported that Sardinians nevertheless understand each other perfectly. Il siffla ses chiens, Chtain, Satin, Chauvin et suivit son chemin. Sardinian is the indigenous and historical language of most Sardinian communities. Chat mit patte rt. [59] Although Pittau suggests that the Tirrenii landed in Sardinia and the Etruscans landed in modern Tuscany, his views are not shared by most Etruscologists. Eliminiamo anche i Sardi (che non sono Italiani, ma sembrano accomunabili agli Italiani) perch essi soli appaiono privi di un volgare loro proprio e imitano la "gramatica" come le scimmie imitano gli uomini: dicono infatti "domus nova" e "dominus meus". Oh, what an idiot shepherd! Here's another one from Seche. o, que pastor bozal aqui me vino; Pastor: A fidi tengu sidi e istau fadiau; Ciudadano: Mejor sera que en sardo tambien able pues algo dello se y nos oigamos. Da G. I. Ascoli in poi, tutti i linguisti sono concordi nell'assegnare al sardo un posto particolare fra gl'idiomi neolatini per i var caratteri che lo distinguono non-solo dai dialetti italiani, ma anche dalle altre lingue della famiglia romanza, e che appaiono tanto nella fonetica, quanto nella morfologia e nel lessico. ("From G. I. Ascoli onwards, all linguists agree in giving Sardinian a special place among the neo-Latin languages because of the various characteristics that distinguish it not only from the Italian dialects, but also from the other languages of the Romance family, and that appear as much in its phonetics as in its morphology and lexicon.") [295], On a whole, this period saw the most aggressive cultural assimilation effort by the central government,[296] which led to an even further sociolinguistic degradation of Sardinian. [341] By then, a significant shift to Italian had been noted in rural Sardinia not only in the Campidanese plain, but even in some inner areas that had been previously considered Sardinian-speaking bastions,[342] manifesting a parallel shift of the values upon which the ethnic and cultural identity of the Sardinians was traditionally grounded. [43], Although the lexical base is mostly of Latin origin, Sardinian nonetheless retains a number of traces of the linguistic substratum prior to the Roman conquest of the island: several words and especially toponyms stem from Paleo-Sardinian[44] and, to a lesser extent, Phoenician-Punic. Zazie causait avec sa cousine en cousant. Caps. Paul se ple au ple dans sa pile de pulls et polos ples. In the climate of monarchic restoration that followed Giovanni Maria Angioy's rebellion, whose substantial failure marked therefrom a historic watershed in Sardinia's future,[246] other Sardinian intellectuals, all characterized by an attitude of general devotion to their island as well as proven loyalty to the House of Savoy, posed in fact the question of the Sardinian language, while being careful enough to use only Italian as a language to get their point across. [178], The sociolinguistic situation was characterised by the active and passive competence of the two Iberian languages in the cities and of Sardinian in the rest of the island, as reported in various contemporary testimonies: Cristfor Despuig, in Los Colloquis de la Insigne Ciutat de Tortosa, claimed in 1557 that, although Catalan had carved out a place for itself as llengua cortesana, in many parts of the island the "ancient language of the Kingdom" (llengua antigua del Regne) was still preserved;[179] the ambassador and visitador reial Martin Carillo (supposed author of the ironic judgment on the Sardinians' tribal and sectarian divisions: pocos, locos, y mal unidos "few, thickheaded, and badly united"[180]) noted in 1611 that the main cities spoke Catalan and Spanish, but outside these cities no other language was understood than Sardinian, which in turn was understood by everyone in the entire Kingdom;[179] Joan Gaspar Roig i Jalp, author of Llibre dels feyts d'armes de Catalunya, reported in the mid-seventeenth century that in Sardinia parlen la llengua catalana molt polidament, ax com fos a Catalunya ("they speak Catalan very well, as though I was in Catalonia");[179] Anselm Adorno, originally from Genoa but living in Bruges, noted in his pilgrimages how, many foreigners notwithstanding, the natives still spoke their own language (linguam propriam sardiniscam loquentes);[181]); another testimony is offered by the rector of the Jesuit college of Sassari Baldassarre Pinyes who, in Rome, wrote: "As far as the Sardinian language is concerned, Your Paternity should know that it is not spoken in this city, nor in Alghero, nor in Cagliari: it is only spoken in the towns".[182]. Ai funzionari sabaudi, inseriti negli ingranaggi dell'assolutismo burocratico ed educati al culto della regolarit e della precisione, l'isola appariva come qualcosa di estraneo e di bizzarro, come un Paese in preda alla barbarie e all'anarchia, popolato di selvaggi tutt'altro che buoni. () L'eccezionalit della situazione sarda nel panorama romanzo consiste come si diceva nel fatto che tali testi sono stati scritti sin dall'inizio interamente in volgare. Give us this day our daily bread, [421][422][423] The Unified Text on the Discipline of the Regional linguistic policy[5] was eventually approved on 27 June 2018, with the aim of setting in motion a path towards bilingual administration, contributions to bilingual mass media, publishing, IT schools and websites; it also allowed for the foundation of a Sardinian board (Consulta de su Sardu) with thirty experts that would propose a linguistic standard based on the main historical varieties, and would also have advisory duties towards the Regional body. [note 5][171] Most Sardinian authors would write in both Spanish and Sardinian until the 19th century and were well-versed in the former, like Vicente Bacallar y Sanna that was one of the founders of the Real Academia Espaola;[183] according to Bruno Anatra's estimates, around 87% of the books printed in Cagliari were in Spanish. Il faut quun si sage garde-chasse sache chasser tous les chats qui chassent dans sa chasse. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Performing this action will permanently remove your draft from Yumpu. sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Sia fatta la tua volont, Although it is an established historical fact that Roman dominion over Sardinia lasted until the fifth century, it has been argued, on purely linguistic grounds, that linguistic contact with Rome ceased much earlier than this, possibly as early as the first century BC., For a list of widely used words in Sardinian that were already considered quite archaic by the time of, Le ultime provengono, per lo pi, come quelle metriche della "Grotta della Vipera" nel sobborgo cagliaritano di Sant'Avendrace, da tombe di continentali immigrati. [368] However, Italy (along with France and Malta[369]) has never ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. [483], In conclusion, the Sardinian language, while still being described as "viable" in 2003,[484] continues to be adversely affected by pervasive and all-encompassing Italianization through language shift, and is thus nowadays moribund, albeit its replacement continues at a slower pace than before thanks to the commitment of those who, in various contexts, promote its revaluation in a process that has been defined by some scholars as "linguistic re-Sardization". Et libera nos dae male. Dis-moi, gros gras grand grain dorge, quand te dgrogragrangraindorgeras-tu? Vincent mit lne dans un pr et sen vint dans lautre. En gnral joffre un outil tous les pres du monde entier. 2005. [231] The most immediate effect of the order was thus the marginalization of Sardinian, making way for the Italianization of the island. [223], Francesco Gemelli, in Il Rifiorimento della Sardegna proposto nel miglioramento di sua agricoltura, depicts the island's linguistic pluralism in 1776, and referring to Francesco Cetti's I quadrupedi della Sardegna for a more thorough examination of the character of the Sardinian language ("indole della lingua sarda") and the main differences between Sassarese and Tuscan: five languages are spoken in Sardinia, that is Spanish, Italian, Sardinian, Algherese, and Sassarese. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, Je dis que tu las dit Didi ce que jai dit jeudi. Le bl se moud-il? Vos laitues naissent-elles? De sa corona de sanctu martiriu. Non si pu dire che il sardo abbia una stretta parentela con alcun dialetto dell'italiano continentale; un parlare romanzo arcaico e con proprie spiccate caratteristiche, che si rivelano in un vocabolario molto originale e in una morfologia e sintassi assai differenti da quelle dei dialetti italiani (Wagner 1951:9091). 6 of the Italian Constitution ("The Republic safeguards linguistic minorities by means of appropriate measures"[367]). [180] A notable exception was Pedro Delitala (15501590), who decided to write in Italian instead. [] And even if this were not so, it is sufficient reason to write in Sardinian to see that all nations write and print books in their natural language, boasting of having history and moral subjects written in the vernacular, so that all may benefit from them. Santificau siat su nomini tuu. E non ci indurre in tentazione, Hooray! [62] In 1981, the Regional Council debated and voted for the introduction of bilingualism in Sardinia for the first time. While this belief is not grounded on linguistic considerations, it is however motivated by political and social reasons. This study, although scientifically valid, has never been adopted at an institutional level: critics argued that it was an "artificial" system "imposed" on Sardinian speakers. Cette taxe fixe excessive est fixe exprs Aix par le fisc. Era difficile che quei funzionari potessero considerare il diverso altrimenti che come puro negativo. [107], Despite a period of almost five centuries, the Greek language only lent Sardinian a few ritual and formal expressions using Greek structure and, sometimes, the Greek alphabet. Regarding these uses, a percentage estimate was made, considering only the projects financed or co-financed by the Region for the diffusion of the Sardinian language in the municipal and supra-municipal language offices, for the teaching in schools and the media from 2007 to 2013. sanctificetur nomen tuum. In Sardegna, dopo il passaggio alla casa di Savoia, lo spagnolo perde terreno, ma lentissimamente: solo nel 1764 l'italiano diventa lingua ufficiale nei tribunali e nell'insegnamento. Je me dpetitpotdebeurreriserai quand tu te dpetitpotdebeurreriseras / quand tous les petits pots de beurre se ppetipodebeurreriseront. fiat voluntas tua, 2010. [167][168], Extract from sa Vitta et sa Morte, et Passione de sanctu Gavinu, Prothu et Januariu (A. Cano, ~1400)[169]. Cardia, Mariarosa (1998). Quand on pense tout ce qui manque au monde en temps de guerre, on se demande o commence une telle honte. Le vif vert filait vite sur un fil de fer vert. To allow for an effective implementation of the provisions on the language, as per the regional law no. Il y a deux espces de fous: il y a les fous ronds, et les fous carrs. Cuite-toi, tes cocu. Help me stop sounding like an idiot, please! / Sa limba 'e babbos e de jajos nostros / No l'usades pius nemmancu in domo / Prite pobera e ruza la creides. [412][413][414][415] It is also possible to switch to Sardinian even in Telegram[416][417] and a number of other programs, like F-Droid, Diaspora, OsmAnd, Notepad++, Swiftkey, Stellarium,[418] Skype,[419] VLC media player for Android and iOS, Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 "Betsy", etc. Attualmente in sardo si gettano i cos detti pregoni o bandi; in sardo si cantano gl'inni dei Santi (, Andrea Manca dell'Arca, an agronomist from Sassari (a city which, like most of Northern Sardinia, had been historically more exposed via Corsica to the Italian culture than the rest of the island) had so illustrated how Italian was still perceived by the locals: Italian is as familiar to me as Latin, French or other foreign languages which one only partially learns through grammar study and the books, without fully mastering them (, The introduction of Italian as a foreign language to the Sardinian villages is exemplified in a passage from the contemporary Francesco (, Casula's reply to Anchisi, arguing in favour of Sardinian as the only means through which the island's "cultural reawakening" could be pursued, was never published in the newspaper, Istanza del Prof. A. Sanna sulla pronuncia della Facolt di Lettere in relazione alla difesa del patrimonio etnico-linguistico sardo. Si ton tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondu par ton tonton. On admet que la technique des objets en capsule nest pas exactement stagnante. Et cavaleris de Cristus victoriosos, Francesco Cesare Casula states that those who did not speak or understand Sardinian, for fear that they were Aragonese, were killed, reporting the case of two Sicilian jugglers who, finding themselves in Bosa at the time, were attacked because they were believed to be Iberian because of their incomprehensible language. [158] Starting from 1410, Casula believes that the victors who emerged from the brutal conflict had then moved on to destroy the pre-existing documentary production of the Sardinian Judicates' age, leaving behind their trail only a few stones and, overall, a small group of documents,[159] many of which are in fact still preserved and/or refer to archives outside the island. Et dami gratia de poder acabare In definitiva, per il Porru possiamo ipotizzare una probabilmente sincera volont di salvaguardia della lingua sarda che per, dato il clima di severa censura e repressione creato dal dominio sabaudo, dovette esprimersi tutta in funzione di un miglior apprendimento dell'italiano. Moi, roi Paragaramus, je me dsoriginaliserai quand le plus original des originaux se dsoriginalisera. XI, n. 11 " e "TOLA P., Codice Diplomatico della Sardegna, I, Sassari, 1984, p. 153. Les Fourons sont carrment fous, et les fous carrs, a cest un cas Happart! Loie niche bas, la pie niche haut: o niche lhibou? From that moment, qued de todo punto Sardea por el rey. Archivio Cassinense Perg. to rock (Kenze Neke, Askra, Tzoku, Tazenda etc.) Oh! [266] However, even when the island became part of the Kingdom of Italy under Victor Emmanuel II in 1861, Sardinia's distinct culture from the now unified Mainland made it an overall neglected province within the newly proclaimed unitary nation state. Il Sardo ha una sua speciale fisionomia ed individualit che lo rende, in certo qual modo, il pi caratteristico degli idiomi neolatini; e questa speciale individualit del Sardo, come lingua di tipo arcaico e con una fisionomia inconfondibile, traspare gi fin dai pi antichi testi., With some 1,6 million speakers, Sardinia is the largest minority language in Italy. According to Bertoldi and Terracini, Paleo-Sardinian has similarities with the Iberic languages and Siculian; for example, the suffix -ara in proparoxytones indicated the plural. [464], In 2015, the Council of Europe commented on the status of national minorities in Italy, noting the approach of the Italian government towards them with the exception of the German, French and Slovenian languages, where Italy has applied full bilingualism due to international agreements; despite the formal recognition from the Italian state, Italy does not in fact collect any information on the ethnic and linguistic composition of the population, apart from South Tyrol. Ces cyprs sont si loin quon ne sait si cen sont! In addition, the LSC standard has been adopted on a voluntary basis by many other institutions, schools and media, often in a complementary manner with orthographic norms closer to the local spelling. Ce chasseur sait chasser sans son chien dit le sage garde-chasse, chasseur sachez chasser sans chien! [473], With cultural assimilation having already occurred,[474][475] most of the younger generation of islanders, although they do understand some basic Sardinian, is now in fact Italian monolingual and monocultural as they are not able to speak Sardinian anymore, but simply regional Italian (known amongst Italian linguists as italiano regionale sardo or IrS)[476][62][477][478] which in its lowest diastratic forms[479] is, oftentimes derisively,[480] nicknamed italinu porcheddnu (literally "swinish Italian") by native Sardinian speakers. Combien sont ces six saucissons-ci et combien sont ces six saucissons-l? Voil trois mois quil boit moins que toi. [194][195][196] Given the current situation, the Piedmontese ruling class which held the reins of the island, in this early phase, resolved to maintain its political and social institutions, while at the same time progressively hollowing them out[197] as well as treating the [Sardinian] followers of one faction and of the other equally, but keeping them divided in such a way as to prevent them from uniting, and for us to put to good use such rivalry when the occasion presents itself. [437][438] Shigeaki Sugeta also taught Sardinian to his students of Romance languages at the Waseda University in Tokyo (Japan),[439][440][441] and would even release a Sardinian-Japanese dictionary out of it. Or un marquis caracolant et cacochyme, conquit par les coquins quinquets de Kiki la cocotte, offrit Kiki la cocotte un coquet caraco kaki col de caracul. Comenti nosus perdonaus a is depidoris nostus. [110] Some toponyms, such as Jerzu (thought to derive from the Greek khrsos, "untilled"), together with the personal names Mikhaleis, Konstantine and Basilis, demonstrate Greek influence. Elevating Sardinia to a cultural dignity equal to that of other European countries also meant promoting the Sardinians, and in particular their educated countrymen, who felt that they had no roots and no place in the continental cultural system. Quand Koko le concasseur de cacao apprit que Kiki la cocotte avait reu du marquis caracolant caduque et cacochyme un coquet caraco col de caracul, Koko le concasseur de cacao conclu: je clos mon caquet, je suis cocu! Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. [281] Local cultural expressions were thus repressed, including Sardinia's festivals[282] and improvised poetry competitions,[283][284][285][286][287] and a large number of Sardinian surnames were changed to sound more Italian. La cavale aux Valaques avala leau du lac et leau du lac lava la cavale aux Valaques. Powered By WordPress. E se tutti fossimo in questa disposizione di idee e di propositi ci faremmo rispettare pi di quanto non-ci rispettino., La politica di assimilazione culmina nel ventennio fascista, ma si protrae nel secondo dopoguerra, dove l'abbandono del sardo a favore dell'italiano viene favorito anche dalla crescente mobilit e dalla diffusione dei mass-media.. La parlata Sardo-Baroniese: Fonetica, morfologia, sintassi. Tas de riz tentant tenta tas de rats tents. [239], At the end of the 18th century, following the trail of the French Revolution, a group of the Sardinian middle class planned to break away from the Mainland's rule and institute an independent Sardinian Republic under French protection; all over the island, a number of political pamphlets printed in Sardinian were illegally distributed, calling for a mass revolt against the Piedmontese rule and the barons' abuse. [206][207], In contrast to the cultural dynamics long established in the Mainland between Italian and the various Romance dialects thereof, in Sardinia the relationship between the Italian language recently introduced by Savoy and the native one had been perceived from the start by the locals, educated and uneducated alike, as a relationship (albeit unequal in terms of political power and prestige) between two very different languages, and not between a language and one of its dialects. Le mur murant Namur rend Namur murmurant. Sardinia's distinct language and culture as well as its geographic isolation from the Italian mainland, made it something of a forgotten province, however.". [] Since, if the Italian language is much appreciated, and if among all the vernacular languages is in first place for having much followed in the footsteps of Latin, no less should the Sardinian language be appreciated considering that it is not only a relative of Latin, but is largely straightforward Latin. Et toc! [333], A survey conducted by MAKNO in 1984 showed that three-fourths of the Sardinians had a positive attitude towards bilingual education (22% of the interviewees, especially in the Province of Nuoro and Oristano, wanted Sardinian to be compulsory in Sardinian schools, while 54.7% would prefer to see teaching in Sardinian as optional) and official bilingualism like in the Aosta Valley and South Tyrol (62.7% of the population were in favour, 25.9% said no and 11.4% were unsure). Nella coscienza dei sardi, in analogia coi processi che caratterizzano la subalternit ovunque, si costituita un'identit fondata su alcune regole che distinguono il dicibile (autonomia in politica, italianit linguistica, criteri di gusto musicali convenzionali non-sardi, mode, gastronomie, uso del tempo libero, orientamenti politici) come campo che pu comprendere quasi tutto ma non-l'indicibile, cio ci che viene stigmatizzato come "arretrato", "barbaro", "primitivo", cio sardo, Centuries of foreign domination have accustomed Sardinians to the authority's negative attitude towards their language and culture, and to the necessity of the use of a foreign language for formal affairs and in formal writing. [313], In the meantime, the emphasis on Italian continued,[2] with historical sites and ordinary objects being henceforth popularised in Italian for mass consumption (e.g. Madame Coutufon dit madame Foncoutu: Bonjour, madame Foncoutu! The first document containing Sardinian elements is a 1063 donation to the abbey of Montecassino signed by Barisone I of Torres. [495][498][502][503][504][505][496], In addition to the orthographies commonly referred to as "Logudorese" and "Campidanese", the Nuorese orthography, the Arborense one and even those restricted to individual towns were also developed, sometimes finding common ground with some general rules, such as those required by the Ozieri Award. La pie niche haut. HLA antigens in a sample of the Spanish population: common features among Spaniards, Basques, and Sardinians. Cest trop cher, Madame Sans-Souci. The most famous literary product born out of such political unrest was the poem Su patriottu sardu a sos feudatarios, noted as a testament of the French-inspired democratic and patriotic values, as well as Sardinia's situation under feudalism. {{app.userTrophy[app.userTrophyNo].hints}}. Seize jacinthes schent dans seize sachets secs. It has been the first time in Italy in which such a service has been offered to a minority language. [198], This pragmatic stance was rooted in three political reasons: in the first place, the Savoyards did not want to rouse international suspicion and followed to the letter the rules dictated by the Treaty of London, signed on 2 August 1718, whereby they had committed themselves to respect the fundamental laws of the newly acquired Kingdom; in the second place, they did not want to antagonize the hispanophile locals, especially the elites; and finally, they lingered on hoping they could one day manage to dispose of Sardinia altogether, while still keeping the title of Kings by regaining Sicily. However, some attempts have been made to introduce a single orthographic form for administrative purposes over the recent decades; said form does not aim to refer to morphology and syntax, which is already fairly homogeneous,[521] but concerns itself primarily with spelling. [497], All the Sardinian dialects differ primarily in phonetics, which does not considerably hamper intelligibility;[498][499][500][501] the view of there being a dialectal boundary rigidly separating the two varieties of High Sardinian has been in fact subjected to more recent research, which shows a fluid dialect continuum from the northern to the southern ends of the island. Many Romance linguists consider it the language that is closest to Latin among all its genealogical descendants. And just along the lines of what had been theorized and put into effect in favour of the Italian nation, that was successfully completing the process of linguistic unification by elevating the Florentine dialect to the role of "national language", so in Sardinia the long-desired "Sardinian national language" was given the name of "illustrious Sardinian". Original: [] Ciononostante le due opere dello Spano sono di straordinaria importanza, in quanto aprirono in Sardegna la discussione sul. Questa circostanza ha molto facilitato le mie ricerche nell'isola, perch almeno la met dei pastori e dei contadini non conoscono l'italiano., Prima di tutto, la neonata lingua sarda ingloba un consistente numero di termini e di cadenze provenienti da una lingua originaria preromana, che potremmo chiamare "nuragica"., Wagner prospetta l'ipotesi che la denominazione sarda, identica a quella berbera, sia una reminiscenza atavica di lontane tradizioni comuni e cos commenta (p. 277): "Parlando delle sopravvivenze celtiche, dice il Bertoldi: Come nell'Irlanda odierna, anche nella Gallia antica una maggiore cedevolezza della "materia" linguistica, suoni e forme, rispetto allo "spirito" che resiste pi tenace. 482/1999). La caille couve au coin du pont, au coin du pont couve la caille. A lezione di limba dal gesuita catalano", "Geostorica sarda.
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