Partcipants will be asked to complete an online survey which takes about 25 minutes. Participants will be entered in up to 4 draws for $50 VISA gift cards. The surveys will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Participants will be asked to complete three short questionnaires which will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Nadine Page a PhD student in the School of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire (UK) is looking for employed individuals to take part in a research study exploring how sustainable actions differ between home and work contexts and how behaviour relates to individual thinking and behaviour characteristics. Of course it depends on your study, but in my personal experience, I got more than 50 participants in a week, while all the other places I've posted brought me less than 5 participants. Confidentiality and anonymity are assured and participants may omit any information they do not wish to give and may also withdraw from the study at any time. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. This study has been approved by The University of Western Australia ethics committee. There is an English language conference poster describing the panel. In order to participate in this study you must be a psychology (Masters or Doctoral) or graduate student in the United States who is currently (or has very recently completed) your first or second year of clinical experience (i.e. Participants you must be at least 18 years of age, be prepared to fill out a survey everyday for one week, have Internet access and understand English. HV]o0}pJ8vIU%bRd&CZ i| MS>>9]'Y4I&I4=}$~w(YKo+I? This research study has been approved by the Macquarie University Human Research Ethics Committee. Constrained optimisation with too many degrees of freedom. Nicola Gartland, a PhD student at the University of Leeds (UK) is currently recruiting research participants for a study on the relationships between personality and daily stress. The survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete and it would be appreciated if the survey is completed in full. 20 minutes to complete and most people who have taken part have found it very interesting. Please call Katheryn Eads at (305) 890-6383 to be included in the study. (240) 895-4359 at the University of Oxford is currently recruiting research participants for an online survey which explores perceptions of fairness. do require some form of payment for posting. Researchers in the Health, Hormones, & Behaviour Lab in the Department of Psychology at Lakehead University (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada) are looking for women (16 years or older) to participate in the Womens Experiences Study. Kathleen Kline a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at Walden University Minneapolis, is conducting a study on male and female victims of dating violence in both heterosexual and gay/lesbian relationships among college students. How effective are online providers of paid participants for psychological experiments? If an experiment runs for multiple weeks, credit sheets are still due each Friday. The questionnaire should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. For full details and/or to participate, please Click Here. Jason Seacat and Sarah Dougal researchers in the Department of Psychology at Western New England College are looking to recruit female research participants for a daily diary study on weight and weight-related discrimination. However, they do require some form of payment for posting. Psychology Department Sonia Madrid Cuevas a PhD student in clincial psychology at The University of Edinburgh (UK) is looking for participants to participate in an online study designed to explore emotion regulation strategies - the findings of which may help those who experience highly changeable moods. (Odds of winning lottery are approximately 1 in 200). The questionnaire should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Samuel Looi a Masters student at City University London (UK), is looking for employed (currently working) participants to take part in an survey examining perceptions of leadership. Should I look at the data of an experiment before the dataset is complete? Nuriye Kupeli A PhD student from University of Hertfordshire (UK) is currently recruiting participants for an online study examining the role of several psychological factors in relation to bodyweight. Psych Forums has a section for posting studies to a section of their forum. If you're interested in participating in the Gateway Project, go to the study's website at or for more information email: [email protected]. The goal of this project is to better understand how different ethnicities perceive body shapes which may help practitioners tailor interventions specifically to their clients. An educational debrief is provided upon completion explaining the theories and ideas motivating the study. Participation is survey based, completely confidential and will take about 15 minutes to complete. Jane McLachlan from Glasgow University is currently recruiting participants for an internet based study aimed at developing an alternative to passwords and PIN's that relies on our ability to recognise familiar faces, rather than memory for difficult alphanumeric strings. Where to recruit paid participants for online Inquisit experiments? Participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire and three musical 'puzzles' which should take around 35 minutes to complete and as an added incentive, all participants who complete the survey will be entered into a 100 prize draw. Participants must be 18 years or older, based in the UK, and have access to a computer with Internet in the evening. Do you have a child between the ages of 7-14? After finishing the survey, you can enter a drawing for a 1 in 25 chance of winning a $25 gift certificate. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Washington State University Institutional Review Board. Participants will be asked to complete an online survey which takes around 20 to 30 minutes to complete and as an incentive will have the chance to be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad mini. The study will examine involvement in the gay community, exercise habits, body image, masculine self-ideals, depression and restrained eating. Participants will be asked to complete a 15-20 minute online survey which focuses on relationships, awareness and regulation of emotions, and details around past self-harm (if appropriate to the individual completing the survey). Sophie Fields a third year psychology student at Northumbria University (UK), is looking to recruit participants aged 18-60, who are in a relationship to take part in an online study designed to to investigate whether or not there is a link between particular personality traits and commitment and/or satisfaction levels in romantic relationships. It will last an hour at the most, about your role as a parent. ;n=203;c=921030;s=13373;x=7936;f=201111291733150;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;box=0;prog=1;clr=default;sub="+subj+";pc="+zip+";qual="+qual+";ct="+ct; Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? The study has been approved by the Walden University IRB (Approval # 05-19-08-0283304) and is particularly keen to obtain a sample of men in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships who have experienced abuse or violence by their dating partner. The study will take approximately 30 minutes. To participate, you must be at least 18 years of age, and you must currently be in a relationship of at least six months in length. The study involves a short online questionnaire which should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. Couples who take part in the study will be asked to separately complete an online survey which takes about 20-25 minutes to complete. Do you have a teenage daughter, aged 13-15 years old? If you absolutely need/want to run sessions on a weekend, you will have to build time into the schedule to escort participants to/from the entry and communicate that plan clearly. EX oGgLI ."&k0>)gpv9gV3c|\5jv5u[M+l8hq`~:>_{e1_#|6D=k). As an incentive to take part, participants will be entered into a raffle for the chance of winning an iPad2. For full details and/or to take part in this important research study, please Click Here. Why is a 220 resistor for this LED suggested if Ohm's law seems to say much less is required? See following link for full details. No identifying information will be collected for this survey, and all answers will be kept confidential. I want to examine the effects that daily stressors have on peoples lives, and how people cope with these stressors alone or with the help of their romantic partner. Participants will be asked to complete an online survey which should take around 30 minutes to complete. If you're interested in signing up for Mood Memos, go to or for more information email: [email protected]. What is "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern" in _The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel_ season 3 episode 5? The study takes approx. In particular, I have heard about people getting very large samples when posting research surveys to appropriately themed SubReddits. Each of you will complete a set of background questionnaires that should take you no more than an hour to complete, and then each evening for five days (Monday-Friday), youll fill out a small online diary regarding stressors one of you experienced during the day and your reactions to them. Please visit their website by clicking here to complete the questionnaire. Where to post online psychology studies for participant recruitment? Doreen Lewis a doctoral student at Capella University (USA) is recruiting participants for a study that involves examining the factors of romantic relationships (intimacy, passion, and commitment) and how they relate to satisfaction. If your study will be very brief (<5 minutes) where possible/reasonable you should attempt to combine it with another brief study so that participants can sign up for 16 min (.5 credit) or 30 min (1 credit) timeslots. Most of these forums require that you have ethics clearance. The survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete and is entirely anonymous and open to anyone. A relatively new site for subject recruitment online is Prolific Academic. ;n=203;c=921030;s=13373;x=7936;f=201111291733150;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;box=0;prog=1;clr=default;sub="+subj+";pc="+zip+";qual="+qual+";ct="+ct; Psychology Research Participants (photo Credit: Aigars Mahinovs) Recruit Participants For Your Psychology Study Here If you are actively recruiting psychology research participants and would like the details listing on this page, you can send the information via the following link. For full details and/or to take part in this research project, please Click Here. HVMo0Q*U,tCLik~dmZ#KH%t QcH%FPHQQ2;xy9U#s-'slqEI#A8bC3+8>>zvy*?93lI]|NF ga2% Olivia Bolt a student at Canterbury Christ Church University (UK), is looking to recruit couples for a study investigating what makes people satisfied with their romantic relationships. Also available are four runner-up prizes: three $100 gift certificates to popular online stores, plus an iPod Nano. You will be reimbursed for any reasonable travel, and related expenses associated with the research study by providing a gift voucher worth $50 from Coles Myer. Dr Gaelle Villejoubert from Kingston University, London is conducting a study on risk perception. The Decision Making and Aging Research Team at Cornell University are currently looking for adults over the age of 18 to participate in an on-line survey on decision-making. Q Pei Tan a post-graduate psychology student at the University of Sunderland (UK) is currently recruiting participants to complete an online questionnaire which aims to identify a person's concept of home and how this shapes part of who they are as an individual.

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