studies). I am a researcher from the University of Essex and I am running a research study that involves photographing food that you eat and throw away for 8 days. When recruitment is to take place door-to-door, it is expected that potential participants are made aware of the study in advance. Supervisors generally have the experience to nip things in the bud early on, and may have ideas you have not previously thought of. Depending on your research and IRB regulations, you may have less flexibility in meeting students or soliciting face-to-face. Well, first, theres a good chance that most people arent really going to want to do it. Reddit: again, think about groups (subreddits) that may be specific to the topic youre focusing on. Pay attention to the details of the IRB process--like what forms are due when and what precise information is required, says Leach. We make research simple, quick, and effective for research studies of any size, for any academic researcher, anywhere in the world! Martin agrees that relying on others to collect data has its downside: "I did it, and it worked out fine for me," he says, "my research assistants did an outstanding job. Experts offer advice on how to make your IRB approval, participant recruitment and data collection go smoothly. Archival data is by definition inflexible--you can't go back and collect more information if you suddenly decide another variable is key. You can always ask. Some of the most commonly used are: Facebook: personal pages, or on the many counselling/psychotherapy groups, Twitter: use @usernames to add it to the Twitter feeds of organisations like @BACP and @BPSOfficial, or #hashtags (for instance, #counselling). The challenges of recruitment with a particular group, however, do need to be weighed up against the value of what research with them will accomplish. If you get the details right the first time, then you won't need to resubmit any forms--and your research can start on time. Plan, be realistic, be proactive, and flexibly adjust if things arent working out. "There are a lot of benefits," says Axelrod, "but there are risks as well--which come into play if the person you're working with falls down on the job or gets ill." Be sure to give yourself a safety valve, he advises. Understandably, people may be less likely to respond to your research request if they dont know who you are. Throughout the process of begging, pleading, crying, and working within the constraints of Institutional Review Board (IRB) regulations, I have discovered a list of things I wish I knew about recruiting research participants: The first step in convincing students to work with me was letting them see me as a person. Its an obvious thing to say, and weird can mean many different things to different people, but if a prospective participants wants to feel assured that its safe to take part, its best to keep quirkiness in how you approach people, and what you put on your recruitment materials, to a minimum. Whilst Ive endeavoured to ensure the Content is current and accurate, the Content in this blog is not intended to constitute professional advice and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice relevant to particular circumstances. So if you know someone who has contact with prospective participants, you may want to ask them if they can help you in the recruitment process. With this issue, theres no right answers; but one thing I would say is to try and have a few from each if you can. Many IRBs meet only once per month or even every couple of months, says Leach. It was cheaper than paying everyone individually and they liked it more.". There may also be papers on recruitment for your particular participant group, for instance, Overcoming barriers to recruiting ethnic minorities to mental health research: a typology of recruitment strategies and Recruitment and retention of older minorities in mental health services research. "My advice is that anything that is out of your control is scary," he says, "so if you have the data in hand when you go on internship, you're in a much better place.". All this means that a recruitment strategy should be built into your research project from the very start, not an add on once youre through ethical approval. Use warmth, empathy, and be professional; enabling people to feel safe and thereby prepared to be in a relationship with you as their researcher. They helped me to tie my request for participants to the course materials, and encouraged their students to sign up. One workable option may be to ask psychotherapists and counsellors to pass on a flyer to their clients giving them information about your study, and then the clients can contact you, in their own time, if they are interested. The semester started off so well. in the message header) the individual identities of other recipients. You dont want to come across as too mechanistic or formal (it can feel intimidating), but too informal can also feel overly-casual and potentially unsafe. Jasmine Childs-Fegredo adds: You also need to consider what it may mean to recruit participants from a place you have worked. They often have connections that students don't realize. The rest of the hour or so is devoted to a question and answer session. So if youre planning, for instance, to interview clients at a service that sees ten clients per year, you have to assume that at least 50% or so of them wont be interested. Faculty) within the University. With proactiveness, persistence, and creativity, youll get there for sure. Are you hitting the timelines you set for your different strategies, and what kinds of responses are you getting? Unlike most other research, you'll be anxious to complete your dissertation relatively quickly, says neuropsychologist Bradley Axelrod, PhD, who gave a presentation on completing a dissertation at the APA Annual Convention in August. Advertisements in newspapers, magazines etc. If widening your recruitment strategies still isnt working, you may need to revisit your participant group and, with it, the specific question youre looking at. Send reminder emails about meetings, particularly if they are scheduled more than a week in advance. Theres just too many opportunities for biases and demand characteristics to creep in. And if you cant conceive of viable ways to recruit people to a particular study, it may well be that you need to do something elsetheres no point having a brilliantly designed study if no one is actually able or willing to do it. So avoid headlines phrases like, Please take part in my research, or Participants needed, or Would you like treatment for your anxiety?. If they see it means something to you, its more likely to feel meaningful to them too. But there are drawbacks. Online recruitment sites (mechanical Turks), like Prolific, where you pay people to complete your survey (this is mainly just for large scale, quantitative (and funded!) This has to be done with extreme sensitive, though, and without in any way breaching confidentiality. So, if its seeming (or feeling right now), like an uphill struggle, keep your eye on that prize. Over the years, Ive just seen too many research projects fail, or severely stall, because researchers have sat back and waited for participants to arrive, rather than actively seeking them out. Seriously, though, that awkwardness can create real obstacles towards successfully recruiting forand completinga study. So if that is a potential impact of your study (and youve got a coherent strategy for achieving it) you can make that clear in your recruitment materials. Students may decide to sign up days or even weeks after first solicited, once they have gotten used to the idea. The all-staff and all-students mailing lists maintained by the University. As Jasmine emphasised earlier, people need to feel that youre safe to open up to: someone known and familiar rather than alien and strange. Here, for instance, a counselling service might forward on a request from you to their counsellors or clients; or else they might make the request as an organisation themselves (with you identified as the researcher). Jasmine Childs-Fegredo, a colleague on our PsychD team at the University of Roehampton says: In a qualitative study for example, you might be asking people quite personal, and possibly even potentially distressing questions, about their past experiences. That, of course, makes the recruitment process more time consuming, but its generally worth the payoff: more prospective participants, and prospective participants who feel welcomed into the research, respected, and understood. You can then use that to track recruitment once youve started. Recruiting Research Participants: Some Pointers, How to (almost) Fail a PhD: A Personal Account, Applying for a PhD in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Some Pointers, Factors influencing recruitment to research: qualitative study of the experiences and perceptions of research teams, Swiss chocolate and free beverages to increase the motivation for scientific work amongst residents: a prospective interventional study in a non-academic teaching hospital in Switzerland, Overcoming barriers to recruiting ethnic minorities to mental health research: a typology of recruitment strategies, Recruitment and retention of older minorities in mental health services research. That is, given the challenges of finding participants, explore and identify a wider range of strategies than you may actually need, rather than cautiously and conservatively just choosing one or two. Even though he needed only 20 participants, it took him two years to collect the data. If, like me, you have a resting bitch face, or tend to write quite curt emails, then think about ways of conveying a warmer and more welcoming invite. Using already-collected data means that you won't have to recruit participants, which can save time and expense, says Axelrod. Thats not to say that theyll be critical of your research or think its pointless. Many students are willing and excited to help, but researchers need to make it as streamlined as possible for students to participate. Its best not to just leave things, and expect things to get better without some support. Give it a bit of time and see what emerges. A good starting point is to think where the participants you are looking for may be most likely to congregate. Even if that doesnt get you the most participants, its the ethical and right thing to do. Still, I found it to be unnecessarily stressful trying to stay on top of it--I wish I had gotten my data collected before internship.". Making contact with prospective participants through professional, training, or service delivery organisations is another way of reducing the anonymity of your request and enhancing its legitimacy. My name is Tamara, I am a PhD student at the University of Salzburg in Austria. Mailings should not be sent until ethical approval has been received. And difficulties over recruitment are one of the main reasons why people have to extend their research projectssometimes by years. You are under no obligation to reply to this post, however if you choose to, participation in this research is voluntary and you may withdraw at any time.'. Communicate your passion and excitement for your work, and for learning from your prospective participants. Its just that so many of us are so incredibly busy these days. That should give you some clues about where adjustments may be required. Incentives dont arent just participate for a chance to win a $5 iTunes card!, although they can be. Participant recruitment its the make-or-break of many a research project, so its surprising that its not addressed more in the literature. Tailor your materials to the specific audiences. Students need a lot of time to think about participating. Can a high school teacher ruin an applicant's chances? Different programs have different expectations about how students should prepare for the proposal defense, says neuropsychologist Bradley Axelrod, PhD, of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Detroit. (In psychology, this is known as the foot in the door technique). Federal guidelines require that IRB approval last only one year--so if your project will last longer, you'll need to reapply in plenty of time to continue your research seamlessly. Circular emails should meet with all requirements in guidelines for posters. But if, after a few weeks, youre still not getting any eligible volunteers, it might make sense to start looking at what adjustments you might want to make. If a member of staff leaves the University of Wolverhampton while engaged in MPhil/PhD research, they must reapply to their Ethics Committee for the continuation of their research. You dont want to put people under pressure to take part, or feel coerced in any way. There may also be specialists in the field that youre looking at whod be willing to support you by forwarding on recruitment invitations. Look for small grants outside of mainstream funding sources, he suggests. When you write up your research project, being able to report that you used research, itself, to direct your methodological choices can look very impressive. My name is Tamara, I am a PhD student at the University of Salzburg in Austria. Prospective participants may also be reluctant to take part because what were inviting them to do is hard, emotionally as well as cognitively. 31, No. For instance, if youre exploring the psychotherapy experiences of Kenyan men, would expanding that to East African men, or men across all of Africa, make for a more viable recruitment process? If no one is showing any interest, it generally makes senseat least initiallyto stick with your participant group and look at additional, or alternative, strategies for recruitment. If your recruitment strategies arent working, dont panic! Any use of such lists must be made directly by a member of academic staff, and not delegated to other staff or to students. Recruitment materials are, essentially, the adverts that you put out there to attract interest. Jasmine Childs-Fegredo writes: Should you be experiencing issues with recruitment, its worth getting in contact with your supervisor(s) in the first instance, to talk through what you could do going forwards, and then report back to them as and when things start moving or if you need further support. he says. Once you've got your research plan, it's time to get approval from your school's institutional review board (IRB) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), an important step students sometimes overlook. However many people you think are going to want to take part in your research, chances are, the final numbers will be even less! Where student data is being used as part of the research the continued access and utilisation of the data must be expressly approved by the Academic Registrar after discussion with the Dean of Faculty and then approved by the Ethics Committee. There are lots of ways to work within your specific IRB rules and regulations to find support. * Know your time frame. Those strategies need to be concrete, realistic, and well thought out; and ideally tried-and-tested. Remember, chances are theyre looking for reasons not to take part rather than reasons to; so you need to consider what the incentives might be and make those explicit. So however fascinated you might be with your own research topic; remember that other people are outside of your head rather than inside of it: caught up in their own world of worries, tasks, and goals. But it does mean taking active steps to make recruitment happen, being on top of it, and pushing throughwhere appropriateyour own embarrassment or awkwardness barrier. * Consult faculty. But eight from Facebook and one from snowballing leaves the latter a bit of an odd man out. We dont know if their responses are specific to them or to the strategy they were recruited through. One option is to disseminate, in the first place, just brief notices or flyers, that prospective participants can then follow up to find out more detailed information. "You might want to use a test that the school doesn't own, and it might be only $10 per use--but who will pay for it?" In such cases, it must be clear to the recipient which distribution list is being used. The text of such posts or tweets should be submitted for approval along with that for traditional media. Students are also forgetful, and quick to delete emails that look like they arent important. You might find a particular rare disorder fascinating, says Axelrod, but you could be out of luck unless there happens to be a medical unit nearby with 50 of those patients available. I enthusiastically wrote an email and survey soliciting study participants, triumphantly clicked send, and sat back and waited for the volunteers to roll in. However, once I began handing around a sheet for students to put their names and email addresses, students signed up in droves. With your IRB approval in hand, you're ready to start signing up participants. Find a way to make survey links visible in long solicitation emails. Sufficient information should be given for potential participants to know roughly what is involved. He and other psychologists offer a few IRB tips: * It's all in the details. Not all members of the IRB or IACUC will be psychologists, and none may be experts in your subject area, says University of Wisconsin psychology professor Charles Snowdon, PhD. Has an organisation, for instance, given initial indications that they would be willing to support recruitment, or have other projects used similar strategies to good effect? Waiting for IRB approval can be a frustrating experience, as it can take anywhere from several weeks to several months, says Ryan Martin, PhD, a recent graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi. "If you're doing an [animal] learning study with 10 sessions, then you'd better stick to ten sessions," he says. Resources for faculty and staff from our partners at Times Higher Education. Again, no right answers; but being open to adjusting your design, where necessary, can be a real advantage. All recruitment emails should include a statement to indicate that use of the mailing list to recruit participants has received ethical approval (including the name of the relevant committee). You also need to make sure that the therapists clients are not feeling under any pressure to participate: deference effects means that clients may feel obliged to say yes to their therapists, even if they dont want to. Supervisors are busy people and may not be able to see you immediately, but its always worth getting an advance meeting in the diary with them to discuss where you are in your recruitment strategy. The committee members have already looked over your proposal and know the basic outline of your research,says Mark Leach, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Southern Mississippi. You must obtain the relevant permission for posters to be displayed in other institutions. Posters displayed in other institutions (although recruitment on NHS premises may sometimes require NHS REC approval, and usually R&D Office approval from the relevant NHS Trust). The experience taught him a lesson. Teaming up with another student can greatly expand your participant pool, says Axelrod. Fast forward four weeks to find me increasingly desperate in my search for research participants, discovering to my dismay (and rising blood pressure) that persuading students to be my guinea pigs for a semester is only slightly less challenging than persuading my cat to ride a bicycle. Later use of lists not envisaged in the application must be notified to the Faculty Ethics Committee. You cant do recruitment if youre metaphorically hiding behind a wall somewhere, secretly hoping that no-one will notice you. First issue, of course, is where the blockage might be. Its immediately off-putting: Whats my incentive to take part if there are hundreds of others like me who can do the same? (Enter emails into the Bcc field rather than the To field). Again, though, the value of conducting research with such clients may outweigh the additional demands. So you need to approach your recruitment strategy really sensitively: from the wording in a recruitment poster to the emails you might send out to participants. Are there particular networks, for instance, you can make contact with; or alternative social media sites? Join a study, Android smartphone study of food pictures, Supervision experiences of home-based counselors, Android smartphone-based study of food pictures, Food Labels Study: 4th Call For Volunteers, Food Labels Study: 5th Call For Participants. In thinking through strategies for recruitment, it may also be very helpful to consult the research on what works and doesnt work, says our PsychD Course Director, Mark Donati. A statement that the individual(s) named may be contacted for further information about the project before a respondent makes a decision about taking part. If a prospective participant gets in touch with you, respond. A Blog from GradHacker and MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online. Copyright 2010 - 2022 - All Rights Reserved -, Caregiving for a loved one 65 years or older? "A lot of people assume that, especially if they use the undergraduate participant pool, they'll get it done in two weeks. For instance, do they tend to frequent particular locations (for instance, hospital waiting rooms), or particular online sites (for instance, Reddit subreddits). If you can align your research with the specific wants and needs of an organisationfor instance, if it will provide evidence on their service effectivenessthey may be particularly keen to support you in it.

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