In the table above, we compare an in-camera JPEG taken at base ISOusing default noise reduction and sharpening (on the left) to the matching RAWfile converted with Adobe Camera Raw 9.1 using default noise reduction with some strong but tight unsharp masking applied in Photoshop (250%, radius of 0.3 pixels, and a threshold of 0). The Fuji X-A2 continues to impress with very good high ISO noise control, and colors remain bright and pleasing. This is simply because most people That being said, we're calling 24 x 36 inches here as well for the maximum print size. This is because the camera's sensitivity needs to be raised to take advantage of the D-Range feature, though that's not much of penalty because the X-A2's high ISO performance is so good. RAW vs In-Camera JPEGsThe Fuji X-A2 produces very clean JPEG images that have very good detail but are slightly soft at default settings. At this size, you're pushing the resolution limit of the 16MP APS-C sensor, but nevertheless at normal viewing distances prints look great with lots of detail and vibrant colors. * At S or M mode, 1/160 sec. Thanks to its larger sensor compact system cameras like the Fuji X-A2 tend to do better than point & shoots, but you still shouldn't expect a quick autofocus lock with moving subjects. See the Extremes: Sunlit section below to see how the X-A2's Highlight/Shadow Tone and D-Range settings deal with harsh lighting like this. Again, color was just a touch cool with the Auto white balance setting. This avoids any jiggling from your finger pressing the shutter button, and can work quite well when you don't have a tripod handy.). ISO 800 prints display little to no noise, even at this mid-range ISO level. For a The Fuji X-A2 produces images with typical saturation levels using the standard film simulation (Provia) at default settings. The Fuji X-A2 required -0.3 EV exposure compensation here, while most cameras need about +0.3 EV for this scene. Reaching the maximum ISO levels, including the two expanded high ISOs, the X-A2 still manages to control noise well enough to produce usable prints up to 8 x 10 inches at ISO 12,800 and 5 x 7 inches at ISO 25,600. The darkest level equates to about 1/16 the brightness of average city street lighting at night, so the Fuji X-A2 should be able to take well-exposed photos in almost any environment in which you can see well enough to walk around in. The most noticeable shift is in cyan toward blue, with more minor shifts in some other colors such as aqua, orange, yellow and blue. ISO 100/200 prints look great up to 24 x 36 inches. Even at -0.3 EV, quite a few highlights are blown in the mannequin's shirt and flowers. Ultimately, there's no substitute for printing a lot of images and examining them closely. Advanced SR AUTO mode: 1/4 sec. More saturated colors are located toward the periphery of the graph. Very deep shadows were quite clean, but sometimes had odd artifacts in the form of bright or dark pixels around high-contrast edges, as well as some strong posterization and discoloration, and they tended to abruptly clip to black. Noise-suppression The Fuji X-A2 produced only a few color shifts relative to the mathematically precise translation of colors in its subjects, and has very good hue accuracy overall. Tended to overexpose in our AE tests. We're pixel-peeping to the extreme here though, which isn't always representative of what you see in prints. Detail. ISO 400 images look very similar to the previous ISOs, but with just an extremely subtle drop in very fine detail if you look closely. 100% coverage). to 1/4000 sec. Shadow and Highlight Tone. (D), Approx. memory, Monitor Sunlight mode, Focus Peak Highlight, Date stamp, Fn button setting, RAW conversion, Image rotate, Auto image rotate, Red-eye reduction, Photobook assist, Erase selected frames, Image search, Multi-frame playback (with micro thumbnail), Slide show, Mark for upload, Protect, Crop, Resize, Favorites, Geotagging setup, Image transfer (Individual image / Selected multiple images), View & Obtain Images, PC Autosave, instax Printer Print, PictBridge, Exif Print, Language selection, Time difference, Quick start mode, Silent mode, 116.9mm (W) x 66.5mm (H) x 40.4mm (D) / 4.6 in. 10 frames), Auto / Custom / Preset (Fine / Shade / Fluorescent light (Daylight) / Fluorescent light (Warm White) / Fluorescent light (Cool White) / Incandescent light), Manual pop-up flash (Super Intelligent Flash), 3.0-inch, Aspect ratio 3:2, Approx. Bottom line: The X-A2 produces cleaner looking images with a little more pop, at least when comparing default settings at base ISO, but as is usually the case, you can extract additional detail and produce fewer sharpening artifacts by shooting in RAWmode and using a goodconverter. There are five settings each: "Soft", "Medium Soft", "Standard" (default), "Medium Hard", and "Hard.". Good low-light performance, but autofocus struggles in dim light. be able to snap good-looking photos of street-lit scenes. Note that Fujifilm claims their Astia film simulation produces "true-to-life" skin tones.) Negative exposure compensation required. Luminance noise "grain" is quite fine and tight, and chrominance noise is remarkably low. The converted image is a little sharper and there is a touch more detail in the mosaic crop as well, but noise is also more evident in the bottle crop. There are three levels: DR100 100% (default), DR200 200%, DR400 400%, as well as an Auto mode which can select DR100 or DR200. Because digital cameras are more like slide film than negative film (in that they tend to have a more limited tonal range), we test them in the harshest situations to see how they handle scenes with bright highlights and dark shadows, as well as what kind of sensitivity they have in low light. As always, see the Print Quality section below for maximum recommended print sizes at each ISO. Default mean saturation at the base ISO of 200 was 110.3% (10.3% oversaturated), which is about average these days. 5.6 fps (JPEG: max. Most digital cameras will fail miserably when faced with a moving subject in dim lighting. Edge enhancement creates the illusion of sharpness by enhancing colors and tones right at the edge of a rapid transition in color or tone. We didn't notice any significant issues with hot pixels, heat blooming or pattern noise. We're kind of on the fence here, but a 13 x 19 inch print could be usable for less critical applications. individual strands are lost and an almost "watercolor" look appears. Visit our Comparometer(tm) Prints are surprisingly light on noise, even in shadow areas. Above you can see the effects of three of the five settings for Highlight and Shadow Tone control on our high contrast "Sunlit" Portrait shot. Any larger and the lack of detail becomes quite apparent. Mild noise suppression is visible in the shadows at base ISO. Average "delta-C" color error after correction for saturation at base ISOwas only 4.07, which is very good, and hue accuracy remained better than average across the ISOrange. Outdoors, the Fuji X-A2 produced good color at default settings, just slightly on the cool side. ISO 12,800 prints look good up to 8 x 10 inches; a rather impressive feat for an entry-level camera. The Fuji X-A2 does a great job at keeping chrominance noise low as well, better than most Bayer-filtered cameras. Material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or otherwise used without the prior written consent of The Imaging Resource. The Fuji X-A2's images are very clean and detailed up to and including ISO 800. Testing hundreds of digital cameras, we've found that you can only tell just so much about a camera's image quality by viewing its images on-screen. Contact Us, 23.6mm x 15.6mm (APS-C) CMOS with primary color filter, SD memory card / SDHC memory card / SDXC (UHS-I) memory card, L: (3:2) 4896 x 3264 / (16:9) 4896 x 2760 / (1:1) 3264 x 3264, AUTO / Equivalent to ISO200 - 6400 (Standard Output Sensitivity), TTL 256-zone metering, Multi / Spot / Average, Programmed AE / Shutter priority AE / Aperture priority AE / Manual exposure. systems in digital cameras tend to flatten-out detail in areas of subtle . ISO & Noise PerformanceExcellent high ISO performance for an APS-Csensor. 1920 x 1080 30p, Continuous recording: up to approx. Note that ISOs 100, 12,800 and 25,600 are extended sensitivities with no RAWsupport. like their color a bit brighter than life. Approx. That being said, the detail and the vibrant, accurate colors are impressive for this ISO sensitivity. DR200 is available at ISO 400 and above, while DR400 is available at ISO800 and above, so all four examples above were taken at ISO800. 350g / 12.3 oz. Complete extinction of the pattern occurred between 2,600 and 2,800 lines. Imaging Resource 1998 - 2022. Let's see if we can extract better detail from RAW files with Adobe Camera Raw. too yellow, etc. Some individual strands do merge together when local contrast is low and as shadows deepen, but performance here is very good. Indoors, incandescent lightingAuto and Incandescent white balance struggled, but very good results with the Manual setting. Fujifilm X-A2 Photo Gallery This is better than average, though, as most cameras need +0.7 EV for this shot, but it did lead to a lot of blown highlights. The crop above right shows relatively low levels of luminance noise suppression, as the darker areas of the model's hair still show a pretty good amount of detail. The Manual white balance setting was quite accurate, though, just slightly cool. Image quality drops off more rapidly at ISO12,800, with more visible grain, blurring, noise reduction artifacts, and blotchy chroma noise in the shadows. (H) x 1.6 in. The Fuji X-A2's default exposure was too bright in our "Sunlit" Portrait shot, requiring -0.3 EV exposure compensation. Hue changes as you travel around the center. Extremes: Sunlit, dynamic range and low light testsPoor dynamic range in JPEGs. Overall, the Fuji X-A2's JPEGs performed below average here in this difficult lighting without any highlight and shadow adjustments, or any dynamic range enhancement (see below). color is. (including battery and memory card), Approx. 0.5 sec., when QUICK START mode set to ON. than found in the original subjects. to compare images from the Fujifilm X-A2 with those from other As they say, though, there's no free lunch: If you look closely at the full resolution images, you'll see that improved highlight retention comes at a cost of increased noise. Most consumer Fine detail at ISO25,600 is quite soft with heavy luminance noise accentuated by sharpening artifacts, and chrominance noise in the form of large yellow and purple blotches becomes problematic. Skin tones. While not the highest resolution sensor, prints at extended low ISO 100 up to ISO400 all look great up to 24 x 36 inches. oversaturation is most problematic is on Caucasian skin tones, as it's very Adobe Camera Raw does a very good job here and is able to extract more detail than the camera does with fewer sharpening artifacts, especially in our red-leaf fabric. Image quality at ISO6400 takes a larger hit with much stronger blurring and more noticeable noise reduction artifacts, though overall detail is still fair. Let your eyes be the ultimate judge! ISO 1600 images still manage impressive prints up to 16 x 20 inches. Results were more pleasing with Auto white balance, producing a healthy, slightly more pinkish look. There are quite a few dark shadows as well and although shadows are quite clean, fine detail suffers from strong noise reduction, and they clip to black rather abruptly. Instead, it offers Shadow and Highlight Tone settings, which let you adjust contrast in highlights and shadows independently. easy for these "memory colors" to be seen as too bright, too pink, your own eyes decide which you like best! (Note that the Fuji X-A2 does not offer a multi-shot in-camera HDR mode.). (You can read details of this test here. Some subjects like the tricky red-leaf fabric in our Still Life target show a drop in detail, however, elsewhere in the print detail and colors are great. 14 min. cameras you may be considering. ISO 6400 images show a bit more softening, due to in-camera noise reduction, but otherwise look fantastic up to 11 x 14 inches. 30 frames, RAW / RAW+JPEG: max. D-Range is Fuji's name for their dynamic range enhancement technology. Mid-range ISO images all manage very well at controlling noise and allow for very good print sizes, such as a 16 x 20 inch print at ISO 1600. Thus, hue-accurate, highly saturated colors appear as lines radiating from the center. See full set of test images Still, noiseperformance in high ISO JPEGs is very good to excellent for its class, among the best we've seen from a 16-megapixel APS-C Bayer-filtered sensor. Adobe Camera Raw wasn't able to extract any additional resolution, however it did extend complete extinction of the pattern somewhat while producing much higher amounts of color moir. At ISO 1600, noise reduction efforts are little stronger as you'd expect, but fine detail is still very good. Note how the Highlight settings mainly affect the brighter portions of the image, while the Shadow settings impact the darker areas. that this test begins at roughly corresponds to the brightness of typical For this reason, we now routinely print sample images from the cameras we test on our Canon Pro9000 Mark II studio printer, and the Canon Pixma MP610 here in the office. Indoors, under typical incandescent lighting, color balance was too reddish using the Auto setting, and the Incandescent white balance setting produced a yellow/orange cast. In the diagram above, the squares show the original color, and the circles show the color that the camera captured. How bright is this? city street-lighting at night. D-Range designed to preserve hot highlights, by exposing for highlights and then boosting mid-tones and shadows. Above, you can see how the various D-Range strengths affect our Far-field shot. Mouse over the links above to load the corresponding thumbnail image and histogram. digital cameras produce color that's more highly saturated (more intense) NOTE: This low light test is conducted with a stationary subject, and the camera mounted on a sturdy tripod. (See the Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II review for details on that model.). contrast. Here, 100% is at ISO200, 200% is ISO400 and 400% is ISO800. (For example, a child's ballet recital or a holiday pageant in a gymnasium.) The images above were taken from our standardized test shots. Our test lighting for this shot is a mixture of 60 and 100 watt household incandescent bulbs, a pretty yellow light source, but a very common one in typical home settings here in the U.S. Outdoors, daylightVery good color though slightly cool outdoors. Above, you can see the effect of the same Highlight and Shadow Tone settings on our Far-field shot. Not sure which camera to buy? Sharpness & DetailSlightly soft images, but with visible edge-enhancement artifacts around some high-contrast subjects. Skin tones were pleasing, with a healthy-looking pinkish cast that's not too overdone with Auto white balance. (The cyan to blue shift is very common among the digital cameras we test; we think it's a deliberate choice by camera engineers to produce better-looking sky colors.) with explanations, See thumbnails of all test and gallery images, See full set of test images with explanations. Low Light. ISO 25,600 images manage to squeak out a usable 5 x 7 inch print. Despite the entry-level price point and traditional Bayer-filtered 16MP APS-C sensor, the Fuji X-A2 manages very impressive results in the print department. We preferred the -0.3 EV exposure overall, because exposures at default and +0.3 EV exposure compensation were too bright with too many clipped highlights. It did so by increasing shutter speed slightly from 1/34 to 1/45 second. The Fuji X-A2 rendered pleasant Caucasian skin tones that were just a touch on the warm side when white balance was adjusted to match the light source at base ISO. The Fuji X-A2 captures very smooth, slightly soft images, yet default sharpening leaves visible edge enhancement artifacts on high-contrast subjects such as obvious sharpening "halos" around the lines and letters of the bottle label above left. The Fuji X-A2 offers face detection which optimizes both focus and exposure for faces. Keep in mind that the longer shutter speeds here demand the use of a tripod to prevent any blurring from camera movement. Sunlight. Resolution~2,300 lines of strong detail from JPEGs, about the same from ACR converted RAW. Cameras performing well at that level should You can of course tweak saturation and/or select a different film simulation mode. Print QualityNice, large 24 x 36 prints at ISO 100-400, impressive 16 x 20 at ISO 3200, and a usable 5 x 7 at ISO 25,600. Mouse over the links to load the associated thumbnail and histogram, and click on the links to visit the full resolution image. Advanced SR AUTO / P / S / A / M / C (Custom) / Night / Landscape / Portrait Enhancer / SP (Scene Position) / Adv. Saturation & Hue Accuracy Typical saturations levels with good hue accuracy. Mouse over the links to see results across the ISO range, and click on the links for larger images. (A useful trick is to just prop the camera on a convenient surface, and use its self-timer to release the shutter. Mean saturation varied only slightly as ISO increased, with the range varying from a minimum of 108.2% at ISO 25,600 to a maximum of 111.4% at ISO 1600. The one foot-candle light level The Fuji X-A2 also overexposed our Far-field shot, producing quite few clipped highlights at default exposure, while some shadows remained quite deep. Saturation. PROVIA (STANDARD) / Velvia (VIVID) / ASTIA (SOFT) / CLASSIC CHROME / MONOCHROME / SEPIA, Toy camera / Miniature / Pop color / High-key / Low-key / Dynamic tone / Soft focus / Partial color (Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Blue / Purple), Auto Red-eye Removal, Setting (Color, Sharpness, D-range, Gradation), Multiple exposure, Depth of Field display, Histogram display, Framing guideline, Frame No. Prints look very good up to 20 x 30 inches. Where * Red-eye removal is active when Face Detection is set to ON. Click on the links to get to the full resolution images. There's some slight pixelation visible upon close inspection at this print size, but at the normal viewing distance for such large prints, detail is excellent. The Fuji X-A2 struggled with the harsh lighting of this test at default settings at the base ISO of 200 (which should be best case). See full set of test images with explanationsSee thumbnails of all test and gallery images. (W) x 2.6 in. ), Contrast AdjustmentThe Fuji X-A2 does not offer a traditional contrast adjustment. The camera pushes most colors by a small amount, dark red and dark green by a moderate amount, but undersaturates yellow and aqua by just a bit. The proof is in the pictures, so let For even crisper images, 16 x 20 inch prints look excellent. However the Fuji X-A2 was able to autofocus in total darkness with the help of its AF assist lamp, as long as the subject is within range and has sufficient contrast. collection of more pictorial photos, see our As you can see, it produced a better exposed image than the default exposure (left), which is overexposed. Hue is "what color" the ISO 3200 prints top out at 16 x 20 inches as well. The shot above is designed to mimic the very harsh, contrasty effect of direct noonday sunlight, a very tough challenge for most digital cameras. As you can see the images above, the Fuji X-A2's manual D-Range settings were very effective at retaining clipped highlights in our "Sunlit" Portrait shot. Detail is certainly a bit soft in some areas, but noise and grain is very well controlled despite the high sensitivity. Face Detection. The effects can often be seen in shots of human hair, where the (Here, too, the X-A2's saturation and/or film mode adjustments may come into play for some users, letting them tweak the color on skin tones, if they find the default rendering a bit too saturated for their personal tastes. The X-A2 performed well in our low light tests, able to capture bright images down to the lowest light level we test at. 920K-dot Tilt type TFT color LCD monitor (Approx. The camera's autofocus system was only able to focuson our subject down to about the 1/4 foot-candle light level unassisted with an f/2.8 lens, which is fair for an APS-C-sensored mirrorless camera. Using default noise reductionsetting, noise is low at ISO 200 and surprisingly well-controlled at ISO3200, though as you'd expect, noise is quite high at the maximum ISO of 25,600. or slower can be set. Both settings can be used simultaneously, giving more flexibility to adjust the tone curve at both ends compared to a single contrast setting, though we wish the range of adjustment toward lower contrast was greater as highlights and particularly shadows are still clipped with the "softest" settings. Sharpness. Hue. Use these numbers to compare with other cameras of similar resolution, or use them to see just what higher resolution can mean in terms of potential detail. ISO3200 shows another increase in noise and blurring, but fine detail is still pretty good. Our laboratory resolution chart revealed sharp, distinct line patterns down to about 2,300 lines per picture height in the horizontal direction, and to about 2,300 lines per picture height in the vertical direction as well. Automatic color balance is just a touch cool particularly at lower light levels, but pretty neutral.
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