*Calculations are based on Total Product Cost divided by the Life Expectancy of the each. Agencies may claim an exception to federal purchasing requirements through a written finding that no FEMP-designated or ENERGY STAR-qualified product is available to meet functional requirements, or that no such product is life cycle cost-effective for the specific application. Rooftop temperatures can get 90 to 100 degrees hotter than the outside air temperature. Learn more about federal product purchasing requirements. GSA sells products through its Multiple Awards Schedules program and online shopping network, GSA Advantage!. reroofingproject or adding the finishing touches on your newly Asphalt shingles with higher solar reflectance values can achieve ENERGY STAR certification. by Adam Burzynski | Jul 16, 2021 | SPRI News. Federal agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed ENERGY STAR efficiency levels. The Solar Reflectance Index measures a roofs ability to reject solar heat (solar reflectance) and release any heat that is absorbed (thermal emissivity). This means thatventilation is key to an energy efficient roof. These shingles are engineered to have higher solar With or without the Energy Star tax credit, the Timberline Cool Series shingle shows strong value and is worth the additional expense. Hot air from your attic will eventually rise and leave your attic, but the amount of air circulation may not be enough to cool your house. Use the ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder to see if your local utility offers these incentives. It improves indoor comfort for spaces that arent air conditioned, such as garages or covered patios. The ENAC identifies items that have positive environmental characteristics and meet standards set by an approved third party, such as FEMP and ENERGY STAR. It is common knowledge that dark colors absorb heat while light colors reflect heat. the sun shines on your roof, it delivers visible and invisible (infrared and While the ENERGY STAR roofing program has provided guidance to many building owners and designers over the years, this change will eliminate some likely confusion around energy-efficient roof design. The savings for each location depend on the magnitude of the heating and cooling loads. In 2019 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced they are sunsetting the ENERGY STAR reflective roof program effective June 1, 2022. COOL roofing shingles are specially designed with solar-reflecting granules (granules that reflect the suns rays) to help decrease the amount of heat transferred into a home. It helps protect it from the elements and impacts its overall exterior look and curb appeal. The Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) estimates that the average energy savings for reflective shingles to be between 7% and 15% of cooling costs. (See References 3). energy-efficienthome? Once you you have factored in these three aspects of energy efficient roofing, you are well on your way to saving money and energy. Energy efficiency means different things in different regions, so what works in the Southwest could be the exact opposite of what works in the Northeast. Without the Energy Star tax credit, the Timberline Cool Series is not worth the additional expense. You can even install a solar fan onto your roof; however, I would not recommend this in cloudy climates. } ENERGY STAR products are certified rating for thermal emittance and solar reflectance. In heating-dominated climates, a non-reflective roof covering is often ideal to reduce heating costs and the burning of fossil fuels, and may mitigate the risk of condensation-related issues within the roofing assembly. However, they are hard to maintain in wet environments due to factors like mildew and wood rot. Metal roofing is by far one of the best choices you can make for your roof in general. .pane--tool-slider-blue .field-type-image, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that raising the SRI from 25 to just 40 can lower the surface temperature of your roof by more than 13 degrees. width: 33.5% !important; margin-bottom: 11px !important; That means less heat gets transferred to the attic. Energy efficiency in the home has been a popular topic for many years. An efficient product is cost-effective when the lifetime energy savings (from avoided energy costs over the life of the product, discounted to present value) exceed the additional up-front cost (if any) compared to a less efficient option. height: 70px !important; Based on the effect of changes in solar reflectance on reported heating and cooling values from the Synnefa et al. 7 COMMON PROBLEMS CAUSED BY POOR ROOF VENTILATION. And when your attic is overheated, that excess heat will transfer into your home and make the A/C work harder than it should. Home appliances, HVAC systems, energy-saving windows, and even LED light bulbs are all promising to save energy and cut costs. background: #f7f7f7 !important; = $47 Saved Per Year. They can be treated with reflective coatings even after installation. And since your HVAC system doesnt have to work as hard to cool your home, it will last longer too. Total Protection is more than shingle deep. In my experience, having the proper color roof for the region you live in can get you up to five more years of life out of a 20-year shingle. In high-use applications or when energy rates are above the federal average, purchasers may save more if they specify products that exceed federal efficiency requirements (e.g., the best available model). We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. Owens Corning is Proud to Support the 2021 SRS Distribution Las Vegas Bowl, its overall exterior look and curb appeal, energy-saving benefits when COOL asphalt shingles are installed, inspect your roof and attic for proper ventilation and insulation, how to meet cool roofing code requirements in California, proper levels of attic insulation can also have a large impact on energy cost savings, darker COOL shingle values are still high enough to meet most of the California energy code requirements, In California, darker color tones are available, Owens Corning COOL roofing shingles available in your area, trusted independent contractor in the Owens Corning Contractor Network, Darker COOL colors are available only in California, An initial solar reflectance of at least 0.25, Three-year solar reflectance measurement of at least 0.15. on certified products. width: 65% !important; The harder your AC has to work to cool down your house, the more energy you are going to waste. The Cool Series Lifetime shingle is well over double the cost of the 30-year shingle. } A white or light brown color will do a better job of reflecting the energy of the sun, keeping your house cooler during the hottest desert months. UNSPSCs can help the federal acquisition community identify product categories covered by sustainable acquisition requirements, track purchases of products within those categories, and report on progress toward meeting sustainable acquisition goals. The solar reflectance measurement ranges between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0 representing 100% reflectance with no absorption. Solar Reflectance after 3 Years: The fraction of total solar energy that is reflected away by a surface 3 years after installation, based on typical values and ENERGY STAR values. The Cool Series Lifetime shingle is 60% higher ($1,908) than the regular Prestique Lifetime shingles. Typically, COOL asphalt roofing shingles run toward the lighter hues: Many lighter tone products available throughout the U.S are designated with an ENERGY STAR label. } .light-gray_bkgd { Your climate is an important consideration when deciding whether to install a cool roof. Reflectivity requirements differ for low-slope and steep-slope roofs. Manufacturers meeting these requirements are allowed to display the ENERGY STAR label on complying models. Owens Corning COOL asphalt roofing shingles meet various levels of COOL roofing requirements and are available in a great selection of colors that complement many homes exteriors*. It includes shingles with a reflectance value over 20. When prorated over the expected lifespan of the product and the Energy Star tax credit is included, the lifetime cool shingle is a slightly better value than the 30 year. Price quotes for products were acquired from a major nationwide supplier, as of the writing of this case study. In prorating the Lifetime shingles, a 50-year life is assumed (as is done by most insurance companies). Thats not as easy to do over a conventional shingles. Cool roofs typically go over an existing roof by adding a reflective coating. The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) provides acquisition guidance for cool roof products, a product category covered by ENERGY STAR efficiency requirements. ENERGY STAR Certified Roof Products:
x 4 Bdls Per SQ = $170.00 Per Square. Each has its pros and cons. Lifetime Energy Cost Savings: Calculated as the sum of the discounted value of the annual energy cost over the assumed product life of 30 years, listed in $/ft2. Timberline Prestique 30yr, Timberline Cool Series Lifetime Without Tax Credit, Timberline Cool Series Lifetime With Tax Credit, $5,100 - $1,500 Tax Credit = $3,600 Total. Here are five things you should know before hiring a roofing contractor., Pat Overson is the owner of Overson Roofing in Mesa Arizona. The list includes an Energy Star rating for each type of roof material. They can actually reduce local air temperatures (sometimes referred to as the urban heat island effect). It is there to protect you from the elements and ensure that your home remains insulated and maintains a comfortable temperature. = $23 Saved Per Year, $1,000 Avg. Roof products originally qualified for the ENERGY STAR label in February, 1999. If installing a metal roof, make sure it is painted a light color (not with a clear coating). However, not all roofs are created equal, and some roofs do a better job of keeping your home energy efficient. [email protected] The proper color of your roof is entirely dependent upon where you live. Getting the color and shape of shingle you always wanted is a great way to express your individual personality and add real value. If you notice that your energy bills are getting higher, you may want to have a roofing contractor come out to inspect your roof and attic for proper ventilation and insulation. It also is very reflective, making it energy efficient in sunny environments. Additional insulation, above and beyond just the minimum local building code requirement, and air and vapor barriers can also be effective ways to mitigate any heat gain or heat loss in the building regardless of the roof surface color. In cities where most of the buildings and homes have flat roofs, cool roofs can make a big difference. In 2011, the tax credit for installing a qualified Energy Star roof on a principal residence equals 10 percent of the cost of the roof up to $500. This could contribute to increased energy costs, as you may need to run cooling devices or central air systems more often or at lower temperatures to keep the inside of your home feeling comfortable. +Excludes non-Owens Corning roofing products such as flashing, fasteners, pipe boots and wood decking. WHICH GUTTER GUARD WORKS BEST FOR YOUR HOME? These buildings are typically in southern markets such as ASHRAE Zones 1, 2, and parts of 3 in the US. Build Your Roof empowers you to select each layer and component that goes into your Total Protection Roofing System+ so that you get the roof you want to protect your home. Thermal emittance measurement ranges between 0.0 and 1.0 (sometimes referred to as a percentage between 0 and 100). cooling load on hot, sunny days. All references to ENERGY STAR must cease byJune 1, 2022. Some cities even require all new roofing to meet some solar reflectance minimum. The most common types of Energy Star labeled roofs are made of asphalt shingles, shake shingles, metal roofing, slate roofing or tile roofing. However, ENERGY STAR's product specification requirements are limited to cool roof products tested through the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) Product Rating Program, including Color Family Groups and Compound Product Ratings, or evaluated using the test methods for ENERGY STAR qualifications listed in the ENERGY STAR product specification information. Roofs should be properly examined at regular intervals and maintained or cleaned when necessary and appropriate to assure the maximum solar reflectance. DIY Guide to Sealing & Insulating (PDF, 12.8MB). Cool roofs can also save money with rebates, incentives, and tax credits. A roof plays a critical role for your home. Cool roofs achieve the greatest cooling savings in hot climates, but can increase energy costs in colder climates due to reduced beneficial wintertime heat gains. In California, homeowners have access to darker asphalt shingles that meet various COOL roof energy codes that are specific to the state. Heres what you need to know. The Cool Roof Rating Council certifies roof products for the Energy Star program. That can translate into a 10 to 15 percent reduction in the amount of energy needed to cool the building during peak cooling periods. Tile roofs also allow air to flow under the tiles which adds to their ability to release any heat they do absorb. Solar reflectance might not seem as important in colder climates, but even if you live where summers are short, the savings can add up. Shingles Used for Comparison: Timberline Prestique 30yr, Timberline Prestique Lifetime, and the Timberline Cool Series Lifetime. rounded up a few of our experts to help explain why choosing COOL asphalt In many cases, asphalt shingle manufacturers use a shingles third-party certified aged SRI value to demonstrate compliance with cool roof energy codes. They can lower your utility bills by as much as 25 percent. This measurement can be used as an indicator of how hot shingles are likely to become when theyre exposed to the sun. With the recent release of cool shingles like the Timberline Cool Series from GAF and the $1,500 Energy Star Tax Credit for cool roofing materials, many folks are asking whether the any energy savings are worth the additional cost. ENERGY STAR certified roof products reflect more of the sun's rays. Its website offers a comprehensive list of roof materials and manufacturers. The Owens Corning Roofing Contractor Network rewards contractors for providing homeowners with a positive experience with our products. And if temperatures get too extreme, it wont just raise your electric bill it can actually damage your roof. The ENERGY STAR energy-efficiency criteria do not include a specification for roof insulation. Even among the qualified Energy Star shingles, the lighter ones tend to carry a better Energy Star rating than the darker ones. However, for most applications, purchasers will find that energy-efficient products have the lowest life cycle cost. Lets examine energy-efficient roofs and how your roof can help you lower your energy bill and keep you more comfortable in the process. The date for program partners, such as manufacturers of reflective roofing materials, must cease production of printed or electronic marketing material using the ENERGY STAR mark byJune 1, 2021. And that heats going to transfer into your attic and then into your home. Without the solar-reflecting granules, an asphalt shingle roof may be as much as 100 degrees hotter. Those in southern states should see a minimum annual savings of $47. The Department of Energy defines a cool roof as one that has been designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof. So, basically any energy-efficient roof could qualify as a cool roof. His company is the 2016 winner of the Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Ethics. Cool roofs stay up to 60F cooler than traditional black roofs during the summer. Colder Regions, $1,000 Avg. The following are estimated material costs for the shingles only:
For heating, calculated based on an assumed natural gas price of $0.56/therm, which is the average natural gas price at federal facilities, listed in $/ft2. In southern climate zones like Southern California and Texas, the opposite was estimated. ENERGY STAR considers up-front costs and lifetime energy savings when setting required efficiency levels. AC, $670 Avg. According to GreenBuildingAlliance.org, 90% of roofs in the United States are poorly designed and built with dark, non-reflective materials that absorb rather than reflect heat. With the $1,500 Energy Start Tax Credit on materials, this difference is reduced to only $408. When choosing products based on high or low thermal emittance, keep in mind your climate. But the key to an energy-efficient roof is that it will reflect the suns radiation away from the house. What Kind of Roof Tile Goes With an American Colonial Home. atmosphere, the higher the solar reflectance of the asphalt roofing shingle. Is there a difference between energy-efficient and cool roofs? mIATPS _9 =@l g0 )+
To ensure a high-emittance roof, avoid unpainted metal roofs and aluminum coatings. A general rule of thumb is to shoot for a ratio of 1:300 (1 square foot of ventilation for every 300 square feet of roof surface). There are not many places that can get hotter than an attic. What makes windows, doors & skylights ENERGY STAR? The color of your roof is one of the most important factors in maintaining energy efficiency. Conversely, roofing shingles with a higher SRI will help reduce the cooling load on your home. Purchasing a new roof is one of the biggest decisions youll ever make for your home, so its important that its done right and that you have someone standing behind the work for years to come. Heres a quick review of what you need to know. They can be pre-treated to maximize heat reflectivity. This acquisition guidance was updated in December 2021. Asphalt shingles are the most common type of roofing material used on homes. x 4 Bdls Per SQ = $106.40 Per Square, $42.50 Per Bdl. HC x 33% Cooling = $330 Avg. Lighter colors reflect heat better than darker colors, and certain coatings can add even more reflectivity. COOL roofing shingles use solar-reflecting granules to help decrease the amount of heat transferred into your home. She co-owns a remodeling company specializing in energy-efficient sustainable building and solar hot water systems. 2022 Roofsimple Inc. All rights reserved. And a cooler attic means less heat gets transferred to your home. If the temperature outside is in the 90s, attic temperatures can get as high as 160 degrees. Darker COOL colors are available only in California. Shasta White shingles in Owens Cornings Supreme, Oakridge and TruDefinition Duration shingle lines are available in most markets. A homeowner in the desert southwest is going to want a lightly colored roof. Three Duration Premium COOL Shingles are available nationally in four colors. 2022 Trinity Exteriors Inc. All Rights Reserved. .pane-bundle-generic-slider .field-type-image{ @media (min-width: 43.75em){ thermal emittance and/or solar reflectance index values defined by the specific When you buy Owens Corning roofing shingles, you can rest assured that our commitment to quality is of the highest importance. Spray Foam Insulation Effect on a Shingle Roof, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Heat Island Effect, Energy Star: 2011 Federal Tax Credits for Consumer Energy Efficiency, Florida Solar Energy Center: Comparative Evaluation of the Impact of Roofing Systems on Residential Cooling Energy Demand in Florida, 17 gardening gifts for the plant-lovers in your life. When adjusted for energy savings in warm southern climate zones:
A former science writer for the Smithsonian Institution, Kimbra Cutlip is a writer and children's book author whose articles have appeared in numerous national publications. Energy-efficient roofs may be more expensive initially, but they usually pay for themselves over time. Two factors impact a roofs ability to stop this transference of heat: solar reflectance and ventilation. ENERGY STAR certified roof products can help reduce the amount of air conditioning needed in buildings, and can reduce peak cooling demand by 1015 percent. Waltham, MA Metal roofs are very reflective, which is why they get so hot to the touch. Important dates: Click here to view the latest blog posts. The right color roof will save you money on your energy bills while also saving you money on future maintenance. Many of them have earned an Energy Star rating. Today, manufacturers are creating new lines of asphalt shingles with solar-reflecting granules that raise the SRI value and even extend the life of the roof by keeping surface temperatures low. However, it can be easily damaged and can be harder to replace smaller sections of the roof. Static vents, wind powered vents and eclectic vents are the three main types of roof vents used in residential roofing. (See Reference 2).
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